Fee for one on one tutoring is $75 per hour
Fee for a group tutoring is $45 per hour per student (two or more students, you should have a group and bring your group to tutoring session)
The tutoring is done on a regular weekly basis during a semester when you start OR two sessions or more (no occasional tutoring)
An exam review session for midterm exam is $70 per student for 4-hour session. Final exam is $80 per student for 5-hour session
For starting tutoring session you need to contact at least 4 days before the day you wish to start and providing me with your empty weekly schedule from Monday to Friday to find a day/time for tutoring session provided I have a time to offer. I do not provide my availability to students
My tutoring only applies to serious students who wanted to achieve excellence in chemistry subject and serious about their grades
Please be informed I do not accept new student(s) in exam night for midterm/final because one session teaching does not change anything
University-chemistry is associated only with Chemistry courses
You need to follow booking rules at All Times:
A booking can be cancelled the day before tutoring session
If you cancelled on the day of session (for any reason) or you did not show up to the session you must pay an hour fee
Fee is paid by e-transfer for each session on the day of tutoring
No Home Tutoring
Locations: UBC Campus and SFU Burnaby Campus or Online
Only Specialized Chemistry Tutoring in metro Vancouver., Phone: 604-700-5192